Giving Back


Today, there are 780 million people who still do not have access to safe drinking water.

Greener Solutions and our partners believe: “We all have an obligation to help make our communities (and our world) a little better…”.  Recognizing and acting on the opportunities to help bring cleaner, safer water to those that need it most, is one of the ways we are giving back.  Your Greener Solutions purchases help us support these important projects. 

Thank You! 

Because nobody should have to drink dirty water.

Each day, women and children spend hours walking long distances to collect water from unprotected sources including open ponds, livestock water points, and polluted ditches; they literally have no other option. Following Malaria and Measles, Dysentery is the #3 cause of death in East Africa. Lack of safe water is responsible for up to 75% of deaths in remote villages. W4KI provides hope to communities by providing safe drinking water.

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